8 Bedroom Deluxe Houseboat with Upperdeck is also one of the huge houseboats available in alleppey houseboat. This 8 bedroom houseboat alleppey deluxe is low cost compared to all the other deluxe houseboats alleppey providing an affordable yet splendid vibe.
This houseboat is way spacious in that you can host parties as well as events. And if u need a slightly more magnificent and low cost then check out this one 8 Bedroom Premium Houseboat with Upper Deck which will provide you with glass covered houseboat experience!
This boathouse kerala also provides an ongoing music system and comes with an upper deck. As always all the deluxe houseboat alleppey provides AC at nighttime usually from 9 pm-6 am. This Alleppey Houseboat also comes with a private bathroom and a TV in the dining area.