Covid-19 guidelines

1. The domestic tourists who visit Kerala for short trips (less than 7 days) are exempted from quarantine.
2. All domestic tourists should register in covid Jagratha portal” [ link: ] General Administration Department to include tourism short trips (7 days) in covid Jagratha portal for all tourists.
3. If for any reason, the tourists plan to extend their stay for more than 7 days in Kerala, they may undergo a test at cost on the 7th day from ICMR/State Government approved Laboratories and follow the covid health advisories. They must remain in paid quarantine till the test results.
4. Avoid travel if symptomatic.
5. Maintain social distancing of 2 meters from everybody throughout their stay in the State and carry sanitizers while travelling.
6. Put on Face Masks throughout.
7. Stay away from the elderly and people with morbidity. Persons above 65 years of age’ persons with morbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years are advised to take extra precautions as per MHA guidelines.
8. Practice hand hygiene at least every half an hour and before and after touching frequently touched surfaces.
9. Avoid visiting public places/congregations other than the planned purpose of visit and avoid public transport.
10. All tourists should pre-book their stay in a hotel/houseboat.
11. Tourists to have a pre-arranged specific itinerary for the visit.
12. Encourage the online purchase of entry tickets to National parks, Wildlife sanctuaries, Monuments, etc.
13. Allotted time slots by any facility/tourist attraction/activity should be followed by all tourists for the convenience of service providers and other tourists.
14. Tourists should avoid handling cash as much as possible. Payments may be done through digital modes.
15. Do self-symptom surveillance during their stay in State (Fever’ cough’ sore throat’ diarrhoea, ross of smell/taste, fatigue (foisme[ test-smell coffee and look for alteration in the perception of smell]) and contact DISHA 1056 if they develop symptoms and follow health advisory.
16. Anybody who develops any of the above-mentioned symptoms (even if mild) to remain in strict isolation.
17. The domestic tourists who visit the State for more than 7 days have to produce a COVID negative certificate (RTPCR test/Rapid Antigen test within 48 hrs before arrival from ICMR/State Government approved laboratory) or undergo Rapid Antigen test/RTPCR test at cost on arrival in the state from ICMR/State Government approved Laboratories and test negative.
18. The domestic tourists who visit the State for more than 7 days and have not produced the test results of COVID testing within 48 hours before the entry or not tested after the entry in Kerala shall undergo 7 days quarantine and can be tested on the 7th day after arrival and if tested negative further quarantine of 7 days is optional and not mandatory since 14 days quarantine is desirable as per Health protocol. Those who don’t-get tested on the 7th day would be advised to continue on quarantine for the remaining 7 days and complete the7 days in quarantine.
1. Wear a mask whenever outside the room.
2. Keep the doors closed and avoid any contact with the doorknobs.
3. Always keep a safe distance as per social distancing norms.
4. Wash your hands frequently [atlest for 20seconds] with the soaps/sanitizers provided.
5. Put all disposable plates /cups/ bottles after use in the garbage bag.
6. Guests should not visit the containment zone.
7. Keep your clothes inside the travelling bag/backpack
All houseboat trips should be pre-booked
In an individual houseboat only 10 members are allowed (even for higher bedroom houseboat)
Only 2 adults are allowed per room for overnight stay trip
Only adults are allowed(above 12yrs – 60yrs)
Elderly are not allowed for houseboat cruise
1.Houseboats in containment zones shall remain closed. Only those outside containment zones will be allowed to open.
2. Availability of hygiene and sanitation equipment at pro-active replenishment.
- Thermal Gun thermometer for temperature checking of staff and guests.
- Hand Sanitizers, Hand Gloves and Masks to be available in the Reception Area.
- Garbage Bags (separate biohazard bags for used masks and other PPEs as per CPCB’s guidelines).
- Sufficient disinfectants like sodium hypochlorite (1%).
3. Gowns/ Aprons & Personal Protective Gears available as per the request and extra chargeable [if any].
4. All touchpoints in public areas like door handles, countertops, tabletops, railings, etc. are cleaned continuously using a sanitizer/disinfectant. Or will use Sodium Hypochlorite 1% solution having at least 70% alcohol should be used to clean these frequently touched points.
5. Posters/standees will be displayed at various locations for information and awareness:
- Emergency helpline numbers – at the reception.
- Social distancing (6 feet) – Reception & other strategic places.
- General Information – Reception.
- Hand Washing – Inside the boat room.
- Dos & Don’ts – At all appropriate places.
6. Adequate isolation facilities will be kept ready and made available in case of any requirement for the suspected COVID guest or staff.
7. For air-conditioning/ventilation, the guidelines of CPWD will be followed which inter alia emphasizes that the temperature setting of all air conditioning devices should be in the range of 24-30 C. Relative humidity should be in the range of 40-70%.
1. All staff will be wearing masks & hand gloves and will be changed/ disinfected after handling each customer to avoid cross-contamination.
2. We will ensure daily temperature check via a thermal gun thermometer.
3. All employees will mandatorily download the Aarogya Setu mobile application.
4. All staff will maintain respiratory etiquettes i.e covering mouth and nose with bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. The used tissue will be disposed of immediately in a bin with a lid.
5. Social distancing is maintained among staff and guests and staff will refrain from hugging & shaking hands with guests as well as among themselves.
6. Staff will follow restricted movement (only in cases of work) around rooms.
Alleppey Houseboat Covid–19 guidelines include wearing face masks, sanitizing and disinfecting all rooms, surfaces, and equipment regularly, maintaining social distancing, following all health and safety protocols, limited capacity on houseboats, and temperature checks of all guests and staff.
Boathouse Kerala is a state-run hospitality platform providing accommodation for tourists in Kerala. In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Boathouse Kerala has implemented strict safety protocols, including temperature checks on arrival, sanitization of the premises, contactless payments, and mandatory wearing of face masks within the premises. Additionally, guests are encouraged to maintain social distancing and follow local government guidelines.
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