Calender availability
The calendar showing dates may not be the latest. Some dates are maybe unavailable due to spot/offline booking. Booking directly through the website will be reflected immediately on the calendar and offline booking should be updated via the back office. It takes some time to reflect on the calendar.
Houseboat Booking through Alleppey Houseboat Club is a 2 Step process:
When you are found a houseboat for booking select the date from the calendar and click on the book online button. its will shows advance and balance amount etc.. In this step, no payment will be needed.
After getting requests from guests our reservation team will look into order details and make sure that the houseboat is available and doesn’t have any offline/direct bookings. They will approve and you will get a payment link to pay the advance amount. Once you pay the advance amount, the booking will be confirmed and you will get further followup through WhatsApp an email.
Prices showing calendar
Prices are a little higher on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. Price inclusive all food.